Will you pack a backpack? Will you fill a tote?

Standing Rock Reservation Ministry Backpacks/totes are available for pickup on – April 10, 10:00-Noon April 11, 11:30-1:30 Just pull up along the WHBC breezeway and Women on Mission will provide the backpack &/or tote and list of supplies needed. (Estimated cost...

Learning Center’s Cheetah Class

Happy 100th Day of School!  The Learning Center’s Cheetah class (Monday – Friday Four year old class) celebrated their 100th day of in-person learning this year on February 18th.  This class was very excited to celebrate this milestone during this year...

February Featured Writer

Carolyn Tyree Feagans, our featured writer for this month, has a keen interest in history and researches relentlessly the past for her authentic settings, weaving her stories through actual local, national and international historic events. The Dogwoods are Blooming...

Catch Him By Surprise | Luke 7:1-10

We had some audio issues at the beginning of the service this morning.  Following the service we recorded the welcome and have posted an updated video that corrects the problems as much as possible.  Thank you for your patience and helpful texts and emails....