Children’s Ministry

Regular Weekly Schedule


9:15 – 10:15 AM Sunday School in the Learning Center

10:30 – 11:30 AM Worship & Big House
Big House is a worship time for children. Parents will bring their children to the sanctuary for the early part of worship and they are dismissed to the Learning Center where parents will pick them up following worship.  

5:00 – 7:00 PM Children’s Choir and activities in the Hospitality Center.


4:15 – 5:45 PM TeamKID After School Program.


TeamKID is a fun, high-energy discipleship ministry for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade that encourages them to know Jesus Christ and to grow in a relationship with Him.

That’s why TeamKID ends with KID. KID stands for Kids in Discipleship! All parts of TeamKID—Bible stories, mission activities, life application, and recreational games—connect to teach life lessons to kids. Our TK’s are also involved in numerous mission projects throughout the year to help our community and especially children.