

We are so blessed to have 20 Women and Men currently

serving as active deacons at WHBC.

Each deacon has a family list of approximately ten families that they pray for and minister to during good times, hard times, times of celebration and times of sadness. They encourage the families in Christian worship, service and stewardship.

Deacons serve and support the ministerial staff in performing these pastoral ministries: leading the church in the achievement of its mission, proclaiming the gospel to all people, and caring for church members and other persons in the community. In the nomination of Deacons, the church is guided by the scriptural qualifications in Acts 6 and 1 Timothy 3.

Deacons support and participate in the worship and ministries of the church and endeavor to promote harmony and a spirit of cooperation among the members. They are responsible for serving communion the first Sunday of each month.